You All Need To Study Hard: JAMB Utilizes Anti-Guess Software For CBT (No More Guessing)

Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB acquired a software that reduces the tendency for students to guess accurately during examination. The tendency for students to guess and guess right is minimal with this software.
To expert guessers, this is to inform you that the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB, has acquired a software that reduces the tendency for students to guess accurately during examination.
JAMB’s Public Relations Officer, Dr Fabian Benjamin said JAMB has invested heavily in training and acquisition of some softwares that are specifically designed for examinations.
He said:-
“Technically, what we were using before to test students was what we called Classical Test Theory, but now we have adopted what we call Item Response Theory.
The difference is that the Item Response Theory reduces the percentage of guessing.The tendency for students to guess and guess right is minimal with this software.”
With this development, Candidates who are experts in guessing answers to questions during examinations, may find it hard to cope unless they studied hard.
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